The Brumback Lab Gazette
Your periodic news on what is happening in our lab, and where Dr. Brumback + the lab are featured!
Beyond the Bench:
A conversation with Audrey Brumback
A recent Spectrum News article ( published 11/3/2021) featuring a personalized interview with our very own Dr. Brumback, an all-star in every way. In this conversation, she dives into her unique research and aspects of her life as a practicing physician-scientist. From discussing how she listens to “Hamilton” as she crafts grants to getting real about emotions, the fresh wave of authenticity she gives in this interview is a testament to the real-life superwoman that she is.
Recent News
Eagle Autism Foundation Letter of Intent Submitted
July 2022
Award of one-year grant to the AAN to validate in the U.S. an autism assessment tool that was developed in Mexico
January 2022
Additional Spectrum News Features
10-04-2021: "Few autism researchers plan to attend conferences in person this year: Survey"
In this Spectrum News article, responses concerning attendance at the previously in-person 2021 Society for Neuroscience Conference are highlighted. Dr. Brumback’s thoughts on the matter are featured alongside other autism researchers. In response to the question, Dr. Brumback stated, “It was just sort of hard to envision going and spending time with 30,000 of my best international friends…”
08-19-2021: "Brain’s sensory processor may prompt memory problems in autism"
“It’s exciting to see how different genetic changes can converge onto the same circuits in the brain, and even onto the same physiological mechanism,” says Audrey Brumback, assistant professor of neurology and pediatrics at the University of Texas at Austin, who was not involved in the research. “We’re really then getting toward the final common pathway that could be a target for treatment…”
07-04-2021: Spectrum Community Newsletter Feature
“We hope that by understanding the anatomy and physiology of motor stereotypies, we can make them less stigmatizing and develop ways to harness their benefits to help people with and without autism…”
10-22-2019: "Brain’s sensory relay station may play unexpected role in autism"
“There’s been so much work done on the prefrontal cortex in autism, but we’re starting to understand that a lot of what the prefrontal cortex does is orchestrated by the thalamus…”
02-25-2019: "Four sets of mice call popular autism theory into question"
“Having the multiple models is really a strength,” says Audrey Brumback, assistant professor of neurology and pediatrics at the University of Texas at Austin, who was not involved in the work. “This is pretty rare to have so many models studied in such detail in a systematic fashion.”
02-20-2019: Brain’s prefrontal cortex conducts symphony of social players
In this Spectrum News article, Dr. Brumback’s quote emphasizes the severity of a lack of coordination in prefrontal cortical region activity and its role in autism spectrum disorder. As discussed in the article, this outcome impairs executive function.
Quotes from Dr. Brumback in Other Scientific News Outlets
“The idea that autism is all negative is really why I don't really like talking about it as a disorder, but rather a difference. Because there are many things...that many people with autism can do, that people without autism can't.”
— Dr. Brumback on Episode 26 of Keep Talking Podcast (December 2021)
“Flashing lights at somebody, playing beats to them, or tapping their hand at certain frequency all are going to induce rhythmic activity in the brain...”
— Dr. Brumback for Fast Company (November 2021)
“We have genetic models, and we have a lot of in utero exposure models and early life stress models, but it’s pretty rare that people are blending the two to find that gene [and] environment interaction.”
— Dr. Brumback for Scientist Magazine (September 2021)